Know Your Rights - Clients of Children’s Aid Societies

Part X: Your Personal Information 

On January 1, 2020, Part X of the Child, Youth, and Family Services Act (CYFSA) comes into force, creating a new access and privacy framework for Ontario’s child and family services sector. The Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) will oversee these new rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

To raise awareness of access and privacy rights among, children, youth and families, the IPC has prepared a brochureposter and quick reference card.

Please contact Annaick Chubb, Privacy Officer at NEOFACS, at 705-360-7100 ext. 6042 (Toll-Free: 1-866-229-5437/KIDS or 1-800-665-7743) or, if you would like to:

  • Ask about your privacy rights
  • Make an access or correction request
  • Make a complaint

Legal Rights Resource

Are you or a family member involved with a children’s aid society in Ontario? Here is some information about legal rights and available resources.